Prebiotic foods and how they beneficially affect your health


Prebiotics are less popular among people than probiotics. However, that doesn’t mean they are less effective for our health or less valuable, but people just don’t know a lot about them. So what are these mysterious prebiotics? how can they affect our health ? And what prebiotic foods should we take?

They are non-digestible food items that make their way to our intestines and they mainly act as nutrients that are used to promote good intestinal bacteria (Probiotics). they are also referred to as fermented fiber which is a group of natural nutrients that nourish the good intestinal bacteria, which in turn gives you a healthier digestive system.

Now that we know what are prebiotics, lets have an in depth look on their health benefits and the foods you should take to get enough prebiotics.

Health benefits of prebiotics

Prebiotics stimulate the natural production of friendly bacteria (probiotics) and suppress the growth of bad guys. It also helps to strengthen the body’s resistance to infections and diseases. This is because the majority of immune cells are present in the digestive system. Therefore, the unhealthy digestive system is equal to the unhealthy body.

Here are the beneficial effects of Prebiotic foods to your body.

Strengthens the immune system.

One of the best benefits of Prebiotics is to strengthen the body’s natural body armor around various diseases. Taking these dietary supplements leads to improvements in the testing of immune markers within the colon. With these, the risk of gastrointestinal diseases such as colon cancer also decreases.

Help reduce urinary tract infections

For women, prebiotics is highly recommended as they can help reduce urinary tract infections that affect women more than men. These non-digestible food ingredients also promote calcium absorption, which can help many women because they are more likely to develop bone-related diseases such as osteoporosis. Adding a healthy dose of prebiotics to your daily diet can go a long way towards keeping your digestive system and your body healthy.

Promotes weight loss

This is probably one of the lesser-known benefits of the supplement. This prebiotics has the ability to enhance satiety or fullness in the stomach by stimulating certain hormones in the intestinal wall. As a result, the desire to eat and the tendency to over-eat, leading to weight loss eventually decreased. Thus, obesity and obesity can be avoided likewise.

Prebiotics can be very useful when it comes to losing a few calories. As weight gain and food go hand in hand, suppressing the desire to eat will be vital in reducing weight. These supplements work on certain hormones in your body, giving you a feeling of satisfaction. In this way, bacteria help suppress your appetite, so you will not feel the need to eat. This leads to weight loss.

Prevents health problems in the digestive system

Such as irritable bowel syndrome and colon cancer. Prebiotics supplements help give you a healthy belly by providing a good balance of the four components of the digestive system: soluble fiber, enzymes, phenol and prebiotics, which increases the presence of bacteria and harmful substances in the stomach, including carcinogenic carcinogens.

In this way, you can avoid the risk of gastrointestinal infections .. which reduces the presence of bacteria and toxic substances in the stomach, including carcinogenic carcinogens. In this way, the risk of gastrointestinal infection can be avoided.

Provides digestive enzymes that enable better protein digestion.

Another one of the “benefits of Prebiotics” is that these digestive supplements contain enzymes that help break down proteins. With these enzymes, nutrients, including carbohydrates and nucleic acids, can be easily digested and absorbed by the body.

Ultimately, health complications such as heart disease and obesity can be prevented. Enzymes break down your food so it can be digested, which is especially important for meat and milk proteins that are hard to digest. Soluble fiber makes you absorb your food slower, which has an effect that allows your body to absorb more nutrients.

Strengthens bone density and strength.

This is another one of the benefits of Prebiotic foods. These studies show that taking regular biopsies helps improve body absorption of calcium and magnesium through the colon. This, in turn, leads to stronger bones that can support your body parts.

Prebiotics are also known to stimulate metabolic activity and have been found to have positive effects on intestinal pH. Studies have also revealed that they are effective in regulating blood pressure levels, thus reducing the risk of high blood pressure

Prebiotics for pregnant women

In pregnancy prebiotics are a valid option established by many, as is recommended by most experienced physicians around the world. Prebiotics during pregnancy can be very useful because they are known as “good bacteria” in simple terms, which keeps fighting from harmful bacteria, saving you the energy you need to supply your child.

Side effects

There are no serious negative side effects. However, you should not eat too many foods rich in fiber at first because they may lead to diarrhea or other stomach problems. Gradually introduce these foods into your system until your body is used to it.

Foods that are rich in Prebiotics

It is important to note that not all fruits, vegetables or grains are prebiotics. One major feature of prebiotic foods is that they must have indigestible parts. These indigestible parts are called dietary fiber or soluble fiber; they – pass through the small intestine and go to the large intestine where they stimulate and feed good bacteria. It is the fermentation of these soluble fibers that help stimulate the growth of good bacteria.

Here is a list of prebiotic foods:

  • bean
  • lentils
  • Fruit (with skin)
  • Jerusalem Artichoke
  • Chicory Root
  • Mulberry
  • Wheat Bran
  • Dark berries juices
  • Asparagus
  • green Tea
  • Dandelion Greens
  • Red wine
  • Dark beer
  • Dark chocolate
  • coffee
  • Onions
  • artichoke
  • Oats
  • Leeks
  • Barley
  • asparagus
  • Eggplant
  • banana
  • garlic
  • Shallots
  • soybean
  • Peanuts

Healthy ingredients in the digestive system Prebiotics keep you away from other health complications such as cardiovascular disease, colon cancer, bowel disorders and obesity. It also helps keep the body in its youthful appearance and is a rich source of antioxidants (phenolic compound) that keeps skin healthy and glowing. Prebiotics foods also can help to get rid of bad cholesterol and components that can damage all health.

Prebiotic foods do wonders for the body. The best and most important health benefits are that taking a daily dose of vital supplements ensures optimal digestive health. The proper digestive system is indeed the basis of overall good health.

When you discover foods that contain Prebiotic it is very helpful to note that simple eating every day can benefit you in the same way as any other supplement. Natural bio pharmaceuticals are easier to obtain and more useful than synthetic ones. Do not wait until your health becomes bad! Take prebiotics on a regular basis.